DataTube Canva App – User Guide

The DataTube Canva App is a tool for automating real estate marketing content updates. It’s an app within Canva that, once enabled, allows data to flow into Canva from real estate CRM systems and other data sources.

The DataTube Canva App is designed for real estate agents, property managers, and marketing teams who want professional, data-driven materials.

It eliminates the need to manage multiple platforms by integrating data updates directly into Canva templates from their CRM and other data sources.

This guide provides a step-by-step walkthrough to help you effectively use the DataTube app within Canva. Follow these instructions to create professional and customized property reports with ease.

Getting Started

Step-1: Log in to your Canva account using your email and password or any other preferred method.

Step-2: After getting logged in to Canva, you will find the dashboard and the interface like this,

From the left-hand sidebar, click on “Apps.”

Step 3: In the search bar, type “DataTube” and press Enter.

Step 4: When the DataTube app appears in the search results, click on it to proceed.

Step 5: A pop-up will appear, providing two options:

  • Use in Existing Design – If you already have an existing project that you would like to use with the DataTube app in Canva, click “Use in Existing Design” to work on your current project.

  • Use in New Design – If you want to start fresh or generate a new template, click “Use in New Design” to begin a new project.

  • To create a new design, click “Use in new design.”
    o A search bar will appear, and ask you “What would you like to create?”

o Currently, our templates are all A4 size, so you can type “Letter/Document” and select the A4 sized Portrait canvas.

First time User Experience

As a first time user, you are required to complete your profile before accessing the app.

To complete your profile, you will need to select whether you want to join an existing team by selecting from the 2 options:
– Yes, I have Invitation Code
– No, I want to setup Company

If you are joining an existing team and have an invitation code to join, then simply enter the invitation code and complete your profile.

If you don’t have a Company account yet, then select the “No, I want to setup Company” option to complete your profile and company details.

Once you complete your profile, you are then able to access the app without requiring any logins for the app as DataTube uses the Canva Frictionless authentication mechanism.


After you complete your profile and are able to access the app, you are then able to share an invitation code with your team members so they can join the same Company account.

To view the invitation code, you need to click on the “Cogs” icon, from where you are then able to copy and share the invitation code with your team members for them to enter while completing their profile.

Navigating the App

Once the app is launched, you’ll find the app appearing on the left-hand sidebar.
Here, you can find 4 items:

  1. Templates
  2.  Custom
  3. Agents
  4. “Cogs icon” (Settings)

Configuring Branding for Templates

To apply your agency branding to the templates:

  • Set your brand logos, brand colors, fonts, font colors, and background color in the “Configure Your Branding” section.
  • Upload your brand logo by clicking on the “Choose file”. To choose your brand color, background color and font color, click accordingly on “Choose Brand Color”, “Choose Background Color” and “Choose Font Color”.
  • To save the branding configuration, scroll down and click on the “Save Configuration”.

Using Templates

Template Types

  • Property Templates
  • Suburb Templates

Steps for Property Templates:

  1. Click on one of the “Property Templates.”

2. Search for the property address in the provided search bar.

3. Select the primary and secondary agents from the dropdown menu.

4. Click on the “Generate Report” button.

Your single or multi pages property report will be generated automatically with property data.

Steps for Suburb Templates:

Click on one of the “Suburb Templates”.

1. Select the Suburb, Month, and Agents and click “Next”

Now you are required to select the Comparables For Sale properties that you would like to display in the suburb market report template.

Filter properties by criteria such as property type, price, bedrooms, bathrooms, and car.

Or, select properties directly by clicking the check boxes.

2. Once you are happy with your property selections, click “Next”.

3. You can then drag and drop the property cards to reorder the comparables for sale on how they appear in the template.

4. Proceed to the selection of Comparables Sold properties by clicking “Next”.

5. Follow the same steps just like the Comparables For Sale section above to filter and select sold properties.

Select the desired sold properties by checking the boxes and click “Next”.

6. Repeat the drag-and-drop reordering process for sold properties.

Click “Previous” if edits are needed or click “Next”.

7. Finally, review your selections of the Comparable For Sale and Sold properties. When you are happy, click “Generate Report” to generate the template

The suburb template will be generated automatically.

Custom Templates

To build your own custom templates, click on the “Custom” item on the top.

The Custom section allows you to generate:

  • Suburb Reports
  • Property Reports

To generate a Suburb Report:

1. Click “Custom” and select “Suburb Report.”

2. In Step 1, click “Add Merge Fields” to select and drag desired fields into your design:

  • Use the search bar or dropdown options to select fields such as Suburb Fields, Primary Agent Fields, Secondary Agent Fields, Comparable Sales Listing, Comparable Sold Listing.
  • For example, click on the suburb drop down menu, drag the required fields and drop them into your design.
  • Similarly, click on the Primary Agent and/or Secondary Agent drop down menu to drag and drop the required fields into the design.
  • For Comparable Sales or Sold Listings, select the number of items to display (1–20) and drag fields (e.g., property image, address, and price) into the design.

3. Click “< Back”.

4. Choose the suburb, month, and agents in Step 2.

5. Duplicate the page by clicking the “Duplicate Page” icon to preserve your original design.

6. In Step 3, select all elements using Ctrl+A (Windows) or Cmd+A (Mac).

[This step is important to populate the data correctly into each merge field]

7. Click “Populate Data”.

Your suburb report will be generated automatically.

To generate a Property Report:

Follow the same process as the Suburb Report but select Property Report in Step 1.

Rest of the steps are the same as the Suburb Report.

Managing Agents

From the “Agents” menu, you can manage your agents with the following options:

  • Add New Agents:
    1. Click “Add New Agent.”

2. Fill in the mandatory fields (e.g., name, email, phone).

3. Click “Save” to add the agent.

  • Edit Agents:
    1. Click the edit icon next to the agent’s name.

2. Update the necessary information and click “Update” to save changes.

  • Delete Agents:
    1. Click the delete icon just below of the edit icon.

2. Confirm the deletion by clicking “Yes” on the pop-up notification or cancel by selecting “No.”

By following this guide, you’ll seamlessly create property and suburb templates and manage agent information within the DataTube Canva App.